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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  July 17, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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country. the port of >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald a huge line of trucks waiting at one of the busiest ports in the country. the port of oakland is oakland as workers mourn the death of one of their own. hundreds of trucks are supposed to be loading and unloading at the port of oakland right now but have nowhere to go. kpix 5 reporter anne makovec
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reports the death of one of their workers caused longshoremen to walk off the job. >> reporter: the cranes are still at the port of oakland after the union representing 1300 longshoremen didn't show up for work. >> the bad for everybody. >> reporter: they walk off the job last night and the lines of trucks started growing. >> stuck here waiting until it opens tomorrow. >> reporter: the union says they are doing this because a tractor operator, joy daniels, died on the job last night. the coroner's office says her death was due to natural causes. >> it is a very somber mood here at the marine term nas because of this -- terminal because of this death of this young woman. >> reporter: that's the spokesman for the port who says they tried to get the word out to truckers but for many it was too late. >> because i came from reno. and so it would be pointless to leave and come back. >> people aren't going to get paid today. >> reporter: i did talk to the president of the union today. he said a stand-down like this
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is common whenever there is a death on the job. he said the union is doing its own internal investigation and they want to allow their members time to grieve the loss of a very popular coworker. in the meantime, -- >> what can you do? just sit there and roll the punches. >> reporter: punches that are felt well beyond the port. >> every 1,000 of our containers equals eight direct jobs whether it's truck operators, the people who work on the terminals, the retailers who rely upon the goods to arrive on their store shelves daily, so it does affect a lot of jobs. >> reporter: in oakland, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> the union and the port say the longshoremen will be back to work tonight by 7:00. the union's contract doesn't technically allow for this stand-down, but they say it is standard practice and a safety precaution. a san jose police officer shot and killed a pit bull this morning when it attacked him. the incident happened about 1:30 a.m. officers are trying to track down a suspect in a mail fraud
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case. they were talking to a woman at a home on north 3rd street when a large pit bull came out of the basement and attacked. >> the officer retreated with the dog latched on and was able to go ahead and remove his firearm and fired at the dog couple of times. at the same time, a second officer was able to triangulate and hit the dog. >> doctors treated and released the officer who was bitten. two people were arrested for breaking into mailboxes. san jose police are seeing a drop in violent crime compared to last year with the exception of homicides. kpix 5 reporter cate caugiran breaks down the new numbers. >> reporter: the good news first. the san jose police department says violent crime dropped 10.6% from this time last year and gang-related violent crime is down almost 16%. >> i think that there is often times a knee jerk reaction to
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declare victory too early. right now we're not doing that. right now we're just saying it's a step in the right direction. >> reporter: according to the latest numbers in the first half of 2013 the city has seen a reduction in rape, robbery and aggravate assault. however, the city has seen a 33% surge in homicides. the sergeant downplayed the figure. he says the homicide rate is it not is not a good measure of the overall measure of violence. >> typically aggravated assault is a better way to measure the level of violence because a homicide is a completed aggravated assault. >> reporter: san jose currently has 4 homicides this month including a 16-year-old killed in a house party in the mount pleasant. nearly a month ago they established a violent crime reduction plan that involved increasing police presence and upping patrols in gang-plagued neighborhoods. in fact, gang-related homicides are down. sergeant dwyer says they had to
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shift resources to make this happen, meaning paying overtime. >> is this sustainable? no. everybody involved understands that. but right now is when it's needed. >> reporter: san jose police say they will revisit the crime reduction plan at the end of summer and they will decide if they will continue or change it moving forward. in san jose, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> san jose police plan to create a dedicated gang team in office. an sanitation executive was accused of embezzlement. he was accused with money laundering and other felonies. arrangements now under way to return him from the philippines to maren county. the charges stem from a $350,000 housing loan that was never used for housing. some other bay area headlines on this wednesday afternoon. two men charged in the gang- rape of a richmond high school student could know their fate today. one jury has reached a verdict in one case, the other still distributing.
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when that verdict comes back, both will be announced together. the second jury is still deliberating. the two men were tried in the same courtroom with different juries. they are accused of gang-rape in 2009. family and friends will hold a vigil tonight for the missing east bay toddler. people will gather on international boulevard at the same location daphne webb was reported missing a week ago today. her father said someone took daphne from his suv. police have searched several locations near the father's apartment but have not named him as a suspect. oakland police finally outnumbered protestors in the fourth night of demonstrations following the george zimmerman verdict. opd says the officers were understaffed the first several nights. in addition to resources dedicated to finding a missing toddler, police said they weren't expecting the numbers of protestors to show up day after day. protestors were mostly peaceful last night despite a brief clash when they were asked to
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turn down a loudspeaker. it was quiet in comparison to monday when vandals damaged downtown businesses including an organization called youth radio. it needs $15,000 to replace windows shattered. a youth radio personality says he done think the group knew they work to tell stories of the young. they opened summer classes as scheduled. in southern california, a wildfire southwest of palm springs continues to grow though it's not threatening any more structures. the fire is only 10% contained and is burning in the rural san jacinto mountains. more than 22,000 square miles and 14,000 acres have burned. approximately 2,000 firefighters are battling the fire. six homes were lost in the fire and 11 outbuildings. some people accuse rolling stone magazine of glamorizing terrorism with its new cover. take a look. the august issue features
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boston bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. the cover features a self-taken portrait of tsarnaev and labels him the bomber. critics on social media say it's disrespectful to the victims. three people were killed and 200 injured in the bombings. the magazine hits newsstands august 3. cvs pharmacy says it won't sell the issue in its stores. the nsa contractor who leaked u.s. surveillance secrets may be allowed to leave an airport terminal soon. now russia is attempting to balance his request with relations with the u.s. cbs reporter vinita nair explains the diplomatic challenges. >> reporter: edward snowden's lawyer says his client may be allowed to leave a transit zone at an airport in moscow in the next few days. he has been there for more than three weeks. snowden met with human rights activists on friday and yesterday submitted a handwritten request for temporary asylum in russia. his lawyer says there are still
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legal hurdles to clear before the asylum request is granted. russian president vladimir putin has not said if he will allow edward snowden to stay in the country but says russia's relations to the united states are more important than squabbles about spy agencies. >> i also have the capability -- >> reporter: snowden a former nsa contractor has been on the run since he went public with secrets about the u.s. government's surveillance program. white house spokesman jay carney repeated the obama administration's call for russia to send snowden back to the u.s. >> while we don't have an extradition treaty with russia, there is substantial legal justification, in our view, for him to be returned to the united states. he is not a human rights advocate or dissident. >> reporter: snowden faces three counts of felony espionage. in new york, vinita nair, kpix 5. >> republican senator lindsey graham says the u.s. should consider boycotting the winter
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olympics in russia next year if russia grants asylum to snowden. the queen gives gay marriage her royal blessing today. the parliament passed a bill to legalize same-sex unions yesterday. queen elizabeth ii signed the bill into law before her trip to cambria today. marriages will begin next summer. scotland may make gay marriage legal by 2015. barbie may be trading her dream house soon. the economic sign that she is losing popularity with doll fans around the world. >> and champagne dreams for a paypal user who found out he was the richest man on the planet. yes, it's a glitch. how paypal wants to make it up to him. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. we're seeing more sunshine around the bay area today. it is going to get hot in spots. we'll tell you when coming up. ,,
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(sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (male announcer) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit
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attempted a plea bargain to cbs reporter anna mah-tranga with the legal fight to ho the captain accused of abandoning ship during the costa concordia disaster attempted a plea bargain today. anna matranga with the legal fight to hold him and his company responsible. >> reporter: prosecutors rejected a plea bargain offer from the cruise liner as the trial against the 52-year-old got under way. captain way. the boat capsized in january 2012. 32 people died and over 4,000 frantically made their way to shore while the captain allegedly abandoned ship. his lawyer says the contents of the ship's black box will exonerate the captain. >> most important thing that we are looking for is the [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: schettino's defense says the captain
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shouldn't be the only person on trial because the ship was already off course when he took command. one lawyer represents 300 passenger and crew including americans. he blames safety procedures instituted by costa and its parent company carnival cruises. >> it was not just the fault of one person, but it was the fault of an organization who allowed and maybe even sponsored what happened. >> reporter: in april, costa agreed to pay $1.3 million to avoid criminal prosecution. on giglio crews are still trying to move the wreckage. it's taking so long because of the size of the ship. anna matranga, kpix 5. >> that captain faces up to 20 years in jail if convicted stocks are up today after several major companies reported positive earnings and the federal reserve says there is no firm date for cutting back on the bond buying program. taking a look at the big board now, you can see that the dow
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is up about 7 points. well, looks like barbie might have to downsize from her malibu mansion after sales of the pint-sized superstar fell for the fourth straight quarter. mattel announced today a 24% profit decline for this year's 2nd quarter. mattel's shares are down 6% today. >> does ken know about this? >> i don't know if ken knows. >> okay. [ laughter ] are you looking for work? the world's largest online retailer is now hiring. amazon is building a mega- shipping center in tracy. the city manager says there will be at least 1,000 jobs added. amazon hopes to open in october just in time for the holidays. so if you are looking for work, good place to look. >> you better have an air- conditioner too. it gets very hot in tracy. and they are going to see the heat the next couple of days. that's where we'll see it, likely close to triple digits in some parts of the bay area. low clouds and fog beginning to break up outside right now. looks like warmer days ahead although still some clouds into san jose early on. but looks like as we head in
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toward the afternoon that's going to break up nicely. out over the bay a little more broken this afternoon and the temperatures already beginning to warm up a bit. 72 degrees in concord now. 71 and sunny in livermore and 65 degrees in santa rosa. 60 though with some clouds into san francisco. as we head throughout the afternoon, becoming mostly sunny warmer really for most, off the coastline still plenty of low clouds and fog lingering and likely to see some patchy fog again overnight tonight. but much hotter weather is on the way as high pressure really begins to build into the bay area. starting to show signs now of breaking up earlier with the low clouds and fog going to see less of it over the next couple of days. this ridge right here over the desert southwest is going to build back into the bay area cranking up the temperatures again really anywhere away from the coastline going to get hot especially in the interior, some of these places pushing upper 90s and possibly closer to 100 degrees as we head into the weekend. speaking of that, we have 99 the expected high in fresno, 93 and sunny in sacramento.
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66 and partly cloudy into monterey bay. around our bay sunshine in the south bay this afternoon, 80 san jose, 74 union city, 60s at the coast. the east bay will warm up. 89 brentwood. 88 livermore. and about 87 degrees in pleasant hill. inside the bay a little cooler but we'll find a little sunshine this afternoon, 70 oakland, 66 san francisco, partly cloudy 62 in daly city this afternoon. next couple of days, we watch those temperatures moving back up into the 90s. by this weekend if you like the heat we'll see hot temperatures as much as 30-plus degrees warmer inland some places pushing 100 degrees. out at the coastline still some patchy fog and cool. 60s. >> such a difference this time of year. >> huge difference. that's what's neat until the bay area. >> if you don't like it, drive 20 miles. thank you. you won't find this panther t- shirt in stores. take a look. nike just pulled them off the
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shelves. the geography gaff that forced nike to say, sorry! [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley.
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they feed on citrus, tomato and other plants. the flies have been found in several s of crews are killing a pest in san jose. it's the guava fruit fly. they feed on citrus, tomatoes and other plants. the flies have been found in several areas of san jose. the california department of food and agriculture hopes to kill the pest before they can do serious damage to crops. >> the fly can't fly here from india or pakistan or thailand. so anyway, it could very easily be transported in the fruit. the eggs would hatch, and they
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are like maggots, theat the inside of the fruit. >> crews are focusing on 13- square-mile area between berryessa and white rose and tully road and 14th street. workers were use bait traps to catch the flies. nike is pulling its new t- shirts off the shelves after it failed a geography test. it shows off the carolina panthers logo with nc, and an outline of the state of south carolina. the carolina panthers play outside of charlotte in north carolina. the nike spokesman apologized for the mistake saying they should have never been sold. probably keepsakes now. a pennsylvania man was briefly the richest man on the planet all thanks to a big boo boo by paypal. chris reynolds' monthly email statement showed he had $92 quadrillion in his account. paypal realized it and fixed it. reynolds said when he logged back in his account balance was zero, the correct amount. paypal apologized and offered
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to donate an unspecified amount of money to a cause of reynolds' choice. nice touch. but just for a short time he was a quadrillionaire. that's cool. all right. so on to tony tantillo and his family. they are simmering some mussels today and tony's table, he shows us three key ingredients in one of the easiest seafood recipes. >> today, i felt like seafood. i love mussels and the prices are great right now. so we're making a mussels what, steph? >> adiavol. they are one of the easiest seafoods you can prepare. we had garlic, extra virgin olive oil and onions. we sauteed those up and poured in the mussels, white wine and then you cover this and you let it simmer so the mussels open up. they are key to look for. >> if they don't open up, you want to discard them. they are no good and may make you sick. put red pepper in there to make it fra diavalo. a touch of salt because it's
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seafood. it likes salt. natural salt. now, i like what you put on the top. usually you would use basil but i lovemint. mint and seafood is a refreshing flavor. you can have it with pasta or perfect on its own. >> look how beautiful this is. put it over pasta like you said. got any? >> no. >> okay. >> sorry. [ laughter ] >> ciao. talk about an odd couple here. how a weiner dog and a lion became best buddies coming up. >> and a reminder if you have a consumer problem or question, call our hotline, 888-5-helps-u. volunteers are there right now. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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but tonight at 5... see how those disinfecting bathroom wipes are causing big problems foy area sew you're supposed to be able to flush them and forget them but see how those -- see how those disinfecting wipes are causing problems for sewers. >> here's an odd couple nature wouldn't put together. they are cute though. a lion and his best friend, a weiner dog. there is milo cleaning bone digger's teeth. >> bone digger. >> the name of the lion. >> he was raised at the park manager's home where milo lives with a few friends. all of them grew up together. the park ranger says sometimes you will see the lion running away from the weiner dog. they play so the dog chases the lion. >> i think they have to feet
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bone digger before the dogs go in there. >> yeah. >> well fed all the time. >> once he gets hungry, i don't think he's a friend. >> they look like hors d'oeuvres. >> bone digger looks friendly. >> that's a cute story, though. that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. have a great afternoon, folks. we'll see you again. what time are we up tomorrow morning? >> we start at 4:30. >> join us. see you, folks. captions by: caption colorado
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>> carter: no one has to know. >> maya: the fantasy scenes are getting to you. >> carter: yeah, it's hard to tell when the acting ends. i can't stop thinking about you... wanting you, kissing you like that, and touching each other. and we just turn it off when we're not on camera? i don't think so. >> caroline: yeah, rafael says that maya and carter are really burning up the screen. >> rick: ah. you must be pleased. >> caroline: oh, yeah. i mean, he is thrilled. talk about casting gold. i mean, what a dream couple. two unknowns with that kind of


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